Home Repair


About our Home Repair Opportunity Program

DAEOC provides Home Repair services in Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Scott, and Stoddard counties.

The purpose of the home repair program is to rehabilitate owner-occupied homes to reduce health and safety hazards, increase energy efficiency, address handicap accessibility needs, and reduce the risk associated with lead based paint. The program targets very low to moderate income individuals, elderly, and the disabled.


Typical Issues & Home Repair Solutions May Include:

  • Roof Replacement

  • Window/Door Replacement

  • Electrical Updates

  • Plumbing Repair

  • Installation of HVAC Units

  • Siding

  • Guttering

  • Drywall

  • Masonry

  • Stairs

  • Handicap Accessibility

  • Bathroom Walls, Cabinets and Vents

  • Kitchen Cabinets (water damaged)

  • Health/Safety Issues

  • Flooring (flooring may be replaced in instances where the flooring has considerable water damage, the flooring that contains black mold, existing carpeting and pad causes wheelchair accessibility problems due to its thickness, or existing hardwood floor has been painted with a lead based product)

General Requirements

  1. Must be home owner and have owned home for three (3) years

  2. Home must be on less than 10 acres of land.

  3. Be income qualified (check table below)

  4. Submit proof of income for every member of the household 18 and older OR signed and notarized No Income Affidavit

  5. Proof of Ownership – copy of Warranty Deed – MUST be Owner-Occupied

  6. Copy of past three (3) years of paid Real Estate Taxes

  7. Proof of Insurance – Must contain an expiration date

  8. Copy of Social Security Cards for every household member

  9. Copy of Picture ID for every household member 18 and older

In order to be eligible for assistance through the HeRO program the property must:

  • Not be a condominium, timeshare or cooperative home or unit

  • Not be located in a floodplain (flood zone A)

  • Have been occupied by the current owner-occupying homeowner for at least three years

  • Be at least three years old

  • Not be an income producing property such as a ranch or farm12

  • Not be used as collateral for a reverse mortgage


Home Repair 2024 Income Limits


Customer Testimonials

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